Monday, March 30, 2009

List five good and five bad things about Nancy Pelosi?

Taking a poll here on Sunday afternoon.......what do you think ?

There is nothing good to say about her. The bad would take all afternoon to list, suffice to say that she's a liberal lunatic.

Good ones first:

1, She was the first woman to be elected Speaker of the House.

2, She gets the job done without whining.

3, She dresses very tastefully.

4, She treats everyone with respect.

5, She loves animals.

Now for the bad ones:

1, She refused to impeach bush and cheney.

2, She will not consider bringing charges against either one

for war crimes!

3, She is obliously not thinking of the future.

4, She could meet with Obama and have ALL of our troops and

our equipment out of Iraq in eight months, but won't do it.

5, Unless she pulls the democratic party together, she will be replaced

next year.

I was always told if you can't something nice about a person, don't say anything at all. Nuff said.

I can't list 5 things either way except to say she wears fabulous shoes

Mother always said if you can't say anything nice about a person, don't say anything at all. So here it goes:

Their are no good things.

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