Monday, March 30, 2009

If the war in Iraq was for oil, when will we start to see profits?

The war in Iraq was not for oil.

Profits for corporations. Tax payers not so much unless you happened to have shares in Haliburton or Blackwater.

Not to worry you will get something out of this war. The Bill.

The war cost more then the oil, there is no profit, only loss. Anyway, there was no guarantee that anyone will make profit out of it.

There is never any profit from wars. Its just not possible.

Wars make more money than any other event..............sorry to burst the bubble of some replies.

And "we" never wanted the oil.

You won't see any profit as long as the Iraqi government refuse to let anyone take their oil. So I will say never.

you won't, because even if there was a profit being made, it's all getting spent on.....the war

you won't see the profits. Ask Bush and his gang where they go.

...who's "we"

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